Terms and Conditions
August Party Going Rogue Gathering 2024
Guest Waiver & Release of Liability
July 30-August 5th 2024
By signing this Release and in consideration of being permitted to participate as an Attendee at “Going Rogue Family” (Gathering), I agree to release and indemnify William J Willson the Property owner of 2284 Rogue River Dr, Eagle Point, OR 97524, (The Property), 2284 Rogue River Dr. Eagle Point, OR 97524, and their heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, and assigns (collectively “the Producers”), Steve Walser DBA, Soundwater Productions, all volunteers and organizers of the event, and other attendees from all liability as described below.
Event Rules/Guidelines: I understand and agree to follow the eight (8) listed “RULES/GUIDELINES” : (1)INTENTION; (2)SECRECY; (3) RESPECT; (4) INTOXICANTS (5) PHOTOGRAPHY; (6) SOCIAL MEDIA; (7) SUSTAINABILITY; (8) CONSENT from the guest emails sent out in advance of the Retreat.
I understand and acknowledge the following:
Aspects of the Gathering, including, but not limited to, Gathering infrastructure, activities, and art are created by participants in the Retreat. Some items may contain inherently dangerous elements. The Gathering does not inspect, evaluate, or otherwise control what participants or volunteers build or what they do, and does not ensure that they do it safely, and is not liable for injuries they cause. Participants are responsible for being aware of their surroundings and on alert for dangerous conditions.
2284 Rogue River Dr. Eagle Point, OR 97524 (“The Property”), where the Gathering is held, is not maintained by the Producers as a recreational site. The Property can still be expected to have all hazards that might be expected on farm and forest land with holes, rocky areas, trees, sharp objects both natural and manmade, insects, ticks, other wild animals, unexpected weather conditions, water hazards, and limited visibility. The Gathering is being held in rural and natural setting, unexpected incidents that may occur due to weather, the environment, (The Property), Producers will not be responsible for any damage, harm, loss of life that might occur.
The Property and Producers do not represent to have the ability or availability to treat any and all particular illnesses or injuries. The Gathering takes place in a geographically remote area without immediate access to emergency services. In the event the Attendee engages in consuming any intoxicating substances, they will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the (The Property), Producers from any damages. If Attendees choose to engage in these activities the (The Property), Producers will not be responsible for any damage, harm, loss of life that might occur.
Photography and videography are prohibited at the gathering for all Attendees.
Participants are encouraged to express themselves personally and artistically at the Gathering.
The Gathering is family friendly.
Food, water, may be available for consumption at the Gathering and I am choosing to consume food items at my own risk. The Property and Producers shall not be held liable for any illness or allergic reaction to any food items provided during the retreat.
I agree that:
I will participate responsibly.
I agree not to contact, harass, or engage in sexual activities with any other person at the Gathering without first ensuring that they are capable of consenting, and receiving their consent, and to cease the instant consent is withdrawn. In the event there is a conflict over unwanted sexual contact Attendees understand law enforcement might be contacted to resolve the matter. If this occurs, Attendees agree to assist law enforcement to resolve the matter.
Volunteer activities and other assistance I may provide to Gathering, whether formal or informal, do not constitute employment or contract labor. Volunteers will not be compensated for their efforts. Food, beverages, or other support to be provided do not constitute compensation.
If I have brought a dog or any other animal to the Retreat, I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold the Producers harmless from any damages or injuries the animal causes, and I agree that the (The Property), and The Producers are not responsible for the animal’s loss, injury, or death.
If I am the guardian/representative of a minor attending the event, I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold the Producers harmless for any damage, injury, or loss of life to the minor. The Producers are not providing childcare or any special services for minors. The guardian/representative of the minor assumes all risk by allowing the minor to attend the event.
I acknowledge that the Gathering is dangerous, and, for the reasons described, it is impossible for The Property and Producers to eliminate all hazards. Accordingly, I release the The Property, and Producers from liability for all types of damage, including but not limit to loss, or injury to persons or property, including death, that may result from the conditions described and similar conditions. If (as a attendee)
I have read this Participant Waiver and Release of Liability and I understand it. I am attending the Gathering voluntarily. I agree that by signing this Release, I am giving up my right to sue or make any other claim against the Producers, the Property owner, (The Property) of the Gathering and its estate, for any property loss or personal injury that I may sustain from the conditions above or any similar conditions.
I hereby execute this Release on behalf of myself and all persons not of legal age who I am the parent or legal guardian of, or who are otherwise legally under my control.